Cares | Connects | Does

8607 Columbia Avenue, Munster, IN 46321

Office: (219) 838-4770

Sunday Worship Times:
Traditional @ 9am
Contemporary @ 10:30am

Chilcren’s Sunday School @ 9:30am
Youth Group @ 5pm

About Ridge UMC: 

All Are Welcome

A place where everyone knows your face, asks how life is, and are happy to see you. A place filled with precious friends, delicious food, and developing memories.

Welcome! We know church shopping can be stressful and visiting a church for the first time can be hard! That’s why we want to give you the opportunity to learn about Ridge before joining us in person.

If you’re not yet ready to attend worship in person, feel free to explore the rest of our website, check out our Facebook social media account or view our worship services on our YouTube channel at If you enjoy what you see, do whatever feels right for you. We would love to have you visit and join us!

Our Mission

As members of Ridge United Methodist Church we are united with Jesus Christ in His ministry of compassion for all people by offering Hope, Unconditional Love, and Meaning For Life.

Is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

At Ridge we are united with Christ in His ministry of compassion for all people.

Holy Communion / The Lord's Table

Jesus told us to celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a central act of our worship. 

We celebrate Communion or the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of the month, and then on other special, holy days (Holy Thursday, Christmas Eve, etc.).

Who is welcome to participate? ALL who wish to receive the Love of God in Christ, and who seek to live a new and better life, are welcome at the table. Children and non-members are enthusiastically invited to the table!


The decision to explore and prepare for marriage is a big deal: we want to help you.

Membership at Ridge is not required to be married here but there will be some pre-marital counseling: we don’t just care about your “big day” but we want to work with God to prepare you for a loving, lifelong journey.

If you are interested in available dates or fees, please contact the church office. (In cases of financial hardship, we will work with you so what is right becomes possible for you.)

The pastor at Ridge UMC (or someone designated by them) will be the officiant at your wedding service.

Who We Are

A community that worships Jesus Christ as Lord, connects in fellowship and growth opportunities, and wants to make a difference in our community and the world.

A community where it is safe to doubt, ask questions, heal, grow, believe, and serve.

A part of a world-wide denomination, churches connected to churches in mission, as a United Methodist congregation.

Getting Started

No congregation is perfect, and no one faith community is for everyone - give us a try!  Joining us for worship may be a great first step!

Fill out a Connection Card in worship, or call our office, and let us know you’re interested in knowing more. (We’ll give you space and try to be helpful without pushing!)

Someone will be glad to answer your questions about who we are, what we are about, and what we believe.

Periodically, through the year, there will be an informal gathering of newcomers to Ridge where you’ll get to know others and the pastor.

The best step is to make connections by joining a small group, class, or serving team. When you have begun to belong, then it may be a good time to consider membership. (Youth in middle school go through a Confirmation experience in preparation for membership, and adults participate in a membership class.)


God loves you whether or not you are baptized.

Baptism is something God does through the church: we do not earn it but it is all about God’s unmerited love or grace for us.

Baptism is a sacrament is all about experiencing the justifying grace of God, letting that love define us and claim us (washing away sin), and a God-thing that initiates us into a new kind of life.

In the United Methodist Church, we baptize infants, youth and adults. The amount of water isn’t a big deal: baptism can be by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion.

Baptism is a communal event and almost always (except in cases of illness) is done within worship with the congregation present.


We believe the Bible is inspired by the Spirit of the living God and written down by people.

The Bible is actually a library of 66 different books written down over hundreds of years.

Through the Bible, we believe we get to know God, learn from the experiences of God’s people in previous generations, come to faith in Jesus Christ, and receive guidance for living today.

We believe the text is to be interpreted by God’s church in every generation so it is a living word.

Like a mosaic, there are many “pieces” to the Bible texts but at the heart of it all is the Good News of the God who is love (1st John).

Covid-19 Precautions

Your health and safety are extremely important to us as we strive to do no harm. We have increased our cleaning and sanitization schedule to insure that our church and facility a clean and safe place for you to worship.

Other Questions?
Please call our church office during the week  at (219) 838-4770 (the office is closed on Fridays) or speak with a Pastor.
Participating in a congregation, knowing and being known, can enrich our lives in all sorts of ways. Having a community where we belong and grow, secular studies show, can improve our health and life in all sorts of ways.  God loves you and we look forward to sharing life with you!

Social Media: 

Ridge United Methodist Church in Munster, IN has social media outlets such as YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIN and GroupMe.