Iron Sharpens Iron

– Ponderings:

I’ve been reading through the Book of Proverbs lately and every time I read it I find it interesting how the verses jump from one topic to another. Occasionally you will find a few verses connected, but that’s not the case for the most part. Chapter 27 is a great example. The chapter opens with warnings about boasting, pride, and anger, then turns to such topics as leaving home, deserting friends, and dealing with neighbors. Then I came to v. 17 and paused to ponder.

“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs 27:17. What might this verse mean?

Have you ever watched a blacksmith at work? Sharpening iron involves friction, heat, and precision. A dull blade becomes sharp only when rubbed against another piece of iron. It takes one piece of iron to sharpen another, but often, sparks fly in the process. If the sharpened piece of iron could speak, it would tell us that the process isn’t comfortable. The same is true in our relationships—God designed us to grow through interaction, encouragement, and sometimes even challenge from others.

In our faith journey, we need people who will strengthen and encourage us, hold us accountable, motivate us, and push us to draw closer to Christ. For us, the sharpening process isn’t always comfortable either. Sometimes, it means facing difficult conversations or being stretched beyond our comfort zones. But just as a blade becomes more effective when sharpened, we become stronger, wiser, and more Christlike when we allow others, especially friends we trust and know, to speak into our lives. Friends know our limitations and where we can be pushed to exceed them. Friends can tell us the truth even when it hurts. Friends can hold us when we’re hurting.

Who in your life sharpens you spiritually? Are you surrounding yourself with people who always tell you what you want to hear or do you have at least a friend or two who encourage and challenge you to grow in your faith? Likewise, how are you sharpening others—offering wisdom, love, and support to those around you?

Today, ask God to bring you people who will sharpen you in your walk with him. And seek to be that person for someone else, helping them grow stronger in faith and love.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for placing people in my life who challenge and encourage me in my faith. Help me to embrace the sharpening process, even when it’s difficult, and to be a source of wisdom and strength for others. May we together glorify you and draw closer to Christ. Amen.