Decisions That Test Our Character

– Ponderings:

I was scanning through Facebook yesterday, something I rarely do but I had a few moments of boredom, and I came across an interesting question: What’s something that you would never do, even for a lot of money? It’s an interesting question because it assumes what we might be willing to do depends on a potential financial benefit. It implies I might be willing to change or at least “adjust” my standards if the price is right. How would you answer the question?

Here are some answers given. One said “kill,” but another qualified their answer by saying “cold-blooded murder.” I’m not sure of the distinction, but I guess the second person is willing to entertain the thought of some type of murder for the right price. Others were more light-hearted. Get married again. Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Eat a certain kind of food. Change a diaper (not pleasant, but I think I could handle it a million or so). One person nobly wrote: “Go against my morals.” A good answer, but I wonder if his or her morals might “shift” as the bribe increased?

“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” — Matthew 16:26 (NIV).

At some point in life, we all face decisions that test our character and make us seriously think about our values. It might involve money, but it just as easily could be peer pressure, the desire to fit in at school, work, or socially with friends. What would you refuse to do, no matter the price or cost?

This question isn’t just theoretical—it reveals what we truly treasure. In Matthew 16:26, Jesus reminds us that no amount of worldly gain is worth losing our integrity or our faith. The world offers us all kinds of temptations and tries to tell us what we should consider important, but nothing it offers can replace what we receive through a relationship with God that brings us peace and joy.

How would you seriously answer the Facebook question? What lines will you never cross? What convictions will you hold onto, no matter what you are offered or the cost to you? True faith is shown not just in what we say we believe, but in how we stand firm when tested. The hard truth is that there will be times when we will be tested, especially as our faith grows and influences how we live and what we prioritize. Knowing testing will come, how can you strengthen your faith so that you stand firm when tempted?

Prayer: Lord, help me value my soul more than worldly riches or my desire for acceptance. Strengthen my integrity, so I will never compromise my faith for temporary gain. Let my life reflect your truth and righteousness. Amen.