Meditate at Eight

On All Saints Day
On All Saints Day

On All Saints Day - Ponderings: "To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 1:7). Today is All Saints Day and we Methodists have an interesting relationship with...

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“Lies of Identity”
“Lies of Identity”

"Lies of Identity" - Ponderings: "Who are you?" How do you answer that question? There are so many ways we might respond. Spouse, parent, grandparent, child. By our occupation. By where we live. Henri Nouwen, another author I enjoy reading, identified what he calls...

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Christ Comes To Us In Love
Christ Comes To Us In Love

Christ Comes To Us In Love - Ponderings: This morning I was still reading Rachel Held Evans' book, Inspired, but I kept mentally getting sidetracked by one of my favorite hymns, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, written by Charles Wesley. The hymn opens and closes...

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In A “Wilderness” Season
In A “Wilderness” Season

In A "Wilderness" Season - Ponderings: There must've been an increase in the wind around 4 am this morning because one of my dogs had to wake me up to let me know she was concerned. So, I've been up for a while reading a book I bought over a year ago but hadn't gotten...

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“The Coming Of God”
“The Coming Of God”

"The Coming Of God" - Ponderings: Our God is the One who comes to us in a burning bush,in an angel’s song,in a newborn child. Our God is the One who cannot be foundlocked in a church,not even in the sanctuary. Our God will be where God will bewith no constraints,no...

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“Gather Me Now”
“Gather Me Now”

"Gather Me Now" - Ponderings: I must have missed the "memo" last night, because at around 1:30 this morning the "girls" and I were awakened by thunder, lightning, and rain. We need the rain so I'm not complaining, but one of my dogs did not appreciate all the racket....

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How Events Reflect Our Faith
How Events Reflect Our Faith

How Events Reflect Our Faith - Ponderings: Burr ... It was a tad chilly in the bedroom this morning with an open window and I didn't want to come out from under the covers and I sure didn't sit outside long with the dogs. Anyway, when I came inside I was wondering...

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Knowing God’s Unconditioned Love
Knowing God’s Unconditioned Love

Knowing God's Unconditioned Love - Ponderings: Richard Rohr is an American Franciscan priest and writer on spirituality. He's another of my favorite authors. In his book Falling Upward, Rohr wrote: “Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we change....

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Feeling Spiritually Thirsty Today?
Feeling Spiritually Thirsty Today?

Feeling Spiritually Thirsty Today? - Ponderings: I've shared a few prayers written by Ted Loder, one of my favorite authors. Ann Weems is another favorite and this is one of her poems called "The Church": We don’t pretend to understand the mystery of what goes onin...

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